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The Script uses Lua 5.1 in order to read or modify header keys of the I/O. E.g. The dimension of an image stack can be read into a Variable by the Script and used as a factor in a different logic like BoxManipulation.

To add or modify header values with the Script it is necessary to connect the I/O of the logic to the Flow Control element Script. By double clicking on the graphic element of Script a new window opens.
In order to access a single image in a Cow workflow the Lua script needs to have the following syntax[#number of the image in the I/O]. Then to read a header value of that image the script needs to be expanded by the name of the header in quotation marks [“image header value name”].

cow.VariableName =[number of the image in the IO]["image header values name"] 


cow.AngleBeta =[0]["eulerBeta"] 

Saves the Euler angle Beta of the 0-th image in the I/O to the Variable AngleBeta.

cow.dimension =[100]["dimX"] 

Saves the dimension in X of the 100-th image in the I/O to the Variable dimension.

cow.dimension =[cow.iter]["dimX"] 

Saves the dimension in X of the i-th image in the I/O to the Variable dimension. It is necessary to set up a iteration Variable, which is incremented by Calculate.

To overwrite the header value in the I/O

temporary variable name                             =[number of the image in the IO]
temporary variable name["image header values name"] = new value[number of the image in the IO]               = temporary variable name 


temp         =[0]
temp["dimX"] = 100[0]    = temp  

Manipulates the header value dimX of the 0-th image in the I/O. The header dimX is set to 100.

temp         =[100]
temp["dimX"] = cow.dimension[100]  = temp  

Manipulates the header value dimX of the 100-th image in the I/O. The header dimX is set to the Variable dimension.

To write new header values to the I/O

temporary variable name                                =[number of the image in the IO]
temporary variable name["new image header value name"] = new value[number of the image in the IO]                  = temporary variable name 


temp                 =[0]
temp["linearFactor"] = cow.factor[0]            = temp 

Writes the new header value linearFactor for the 0-th image in the I/O. The header linear Factor is set to the Variable factor.

Manipulate the whole I/O
If each image in the I/O is supposed to be manipulated by its header value, the Script needs to be extended by the Flow Control elements Queue, Calculate and an additional iteration Variable.

cow.VariableName =[cow.IterationVariableName]["image header values name"]

Properties Window

Properties Window

Properties Window

Input Description
FirstInput Input to be modified by the script
Output Description
FirstOutput Output with either un- or modified header values

The Script elements works withLua 5.1 Reference Manual. In the following link all Lua functions are listed at the end of the page.