
Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) is the most commonly used method for resolution determination of a 3D structure reconstruction.

This logic applies the “gold standard” FSC calculation for resolution determination of a 3D structure reconstruction where the data had been split into two randomly chosen halves earlier. After independent reconstruction of both halves, the FSC fall-off at different resolution levels can be used to determine the reconstruction quality. Additionally, a mask can be supplied to limit the 3D volume to be calculated with.

Parameters Description
Calculate resolution Picks the resolution mode to be used
→ Plot threshold curves Enabling results in all possible threshold curves being included in the output
Mask Enables use of an input mask
→ invert mask Invert the selected/not selected volume of the mask
→ Mask Threshold Threshold for counting mask voxel for mean calculation
Asymmetric units (3 sigma) Number of asymmetric units in the 3D
Pixel size Used pixel size in the 3Ds (Pixel/Angstrom)
Input Description
First3D First 3D Structure/Reconstructed 3D from first half of data
Mask Optional input, can be used to restrict 3D volume to only look at certain parts of the reconstruction
Second3D Second 3D Structure/Reconstructed 3D from second half of data
FourierShellCorrelation A Graph showing the calculated FSC (y-axis, ranging from 0 to 1) against resolution (x-axis, Angstrom)
Output Description
FourierShellCorrelation A Graph showing the calculated FSC (y-axis, ranging from 0 to 1) against resolution (x-axis, Angstrom)
Written Header Values Description
resolutionAt0.143 Estimated resolution for FSC cut off at 0.143
resolutionAt0.3 Estimated resolution for FSC cut off at 0.3
resolutionAt0.5 Estimated resolution for FSC cut off at 0.5
resolutionAt0.9 Estimated resolution for FSC cut off at 0.9
resolutionAt3Sigma Estimated resolution for FSC cut off at 3 Sigma
resolution Estimated resolution at the user chosen cut off value
maxResolution Maximum resolution in the local map
meanResolution Mean resolution in the local map
minResolution Minimum resolution in the local map
resolutionVariance Variance of the resolution in the local map
abscissaIsLogarithmical , abscissaMin, abscissaMax For internal 1D viewer use only, to be hidden

A Paper about FSC theory and applications can be found here