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Exports the data of interest to a a target path.

Connecting the export logic to any IO enables the user to export the data in multiple different formats and to different locations.

Here, a very specific example should be given/described. In the future, this can be supported by screenshots etc.. For the moment, give an example easy enough for the user to understand, but specific enough to elaborate why a given parameter is a good set for this very situation.

Different file types of the dataset to be exported can be chosen.

File Type Description
Autodetect In case of a given data format (e.g. .mrc or .img) the “autodetect” option can be activated. In any other case, the file type needs to be set.
Header File To save storage space this option can be used if only the imagic (.hed) file but not the data file (.img) is needed.
csv The .csv format is used to store tabular data into plain text (e.g. Excel).
imagic The file format was developed based on image science convention. Two files are generated, a header (.hed) and an image (.img) file. In the header file several image specifications are stored. Two files are generated, a header (.hed) and an image (.img) file. In the header file several image specifications are stored
mrc The mrc format is based on the map format used in the CCP4 suite for macromolecular crystallography.
→ and its sub-parameter … descriptions Two options for MRC-Compatibility may be defined: imagic (1) or xmipp3.1 (2), where parameters are stored according to the mentioned software conventions. For using in RELION rename a .mrc stack into .mrcs.
star The STAR (Self-defining Text Archiving and Retrival) formatis an alternative to the XML format to store different kinds of meta data in a easy-to-read fashion. RELION used the star format for all kind of meta data (;; and can be used to read .star files.

When a structure is ready, when intermediate results need to be analyzed in a different software, or when graphs, pictures or something similar need to be handled outside of the cow, an export for all kinds of different file formats is needed, which is implemented in this logic.