
Here, a set of arithmetic operations are described, which use exactly two objects (or images) as input. These objects can be 2D or 3D, but must both have the same dimensions and dimensionality.

These operators simply add/multiply/subtract the seconds input object to/with/from the first. An easy example is the multiplication of a 3D mask with a 3D map of a complex to yield a masked 3D object.

Operators Description
Add Adds the pixel/voxel values of input 1 to the corresponding pixels/voxels of input 2.
Multiply Multiplies the pixel/voxel values of input 1 to the corresponding pixels/voxels of input 2.
Subtract Subtracts the pixel/voxel values of input 2 from the corresponding pixels/voxels of input 1.

Additional operators, where the corresponding pixel/voxel values of the two input objects are compared and depending on the chosen operator, the larger (maximum) or smaller (minimum) value is forwarded into the output object.

Operators Description
Maximum The larger value of the two input corresponding pixels will be set for the output at the respective position.
Minimum The smaller value of the two input corresponding pixels will be set for the output at the respective position.