
This logic applies previously by the alignment logic determined alignment parameters to a the set of images on which the alignment has been performed.

The user has to determine the alignment parameters (shift and rotation) between a set of images and a set of references by the alignment logic. This logic only applies these parameter on the input images and writes transformed, interpolated images.

Input Description
Aliinfo Output of a alignment logic
Images Input Images of the same alignment logic
Output Description
Ali contains images with applied shift and rotation parameter
New/Changed Header Values Description
referenceData projectionId of the assigned projection
EulerAlpha assigned Alpha Euler Angle
EulerBeta assigned Beta Euler Angle
EulerGamma assigned Gamma Euler Angle
appliedAlphaAngle which inplane rotation has been applied to this image
appliedXshift which X shift has been applied to this image
appliedXshift which X shift has been applied to this image