This is an old revision of the document!


THIS position should be used for a brief introduction (max 2 sentences!) of the logic, stating WHAT and WHY it is doing something.

Here, a general/generic description of HOW the logic is USED should be given. Try to be as general as possible, but also mention prerequisites, restrictions, advantages, requirements which are specific of this logic. Basically everything the user needs to know to successfully use this logic.

Here, a very specific example should be given/described. In the future, this can be supported by screenshots etc.. For the moment, give an example easy enough for the user to understand, but specific enough to elaborate why a given parameter is a good set for this very situation.

Here, a short introduction for the given mode should be placed. Again, state WHAT and WHY this mode us useful in not more than 2 sentences.

Parameters Description
Some changeable parameter Description of this parameter
→ and its sub-parameter more description
Next main parameter and more more more
→ and its sub-parameter … descriptions
Input Description
FirstInput Input Description 1
SecondInput Input Description 2
ThirdInput Input Description 3: Optional Input in Italic
Output Description
FirstOutput Output Description
New/Changed Header Values Description
headerValue1 what does it say? how is it changed?
headerValue2 what does it say? how is it changed?
headerValue3 what does it say? how is it changed?
headerValue4 what does it say? how is it changed?

This logic determines the angles

Parameters Description
Symmetry Symmetry of the complex studied (if known)
Input Description
In Image or stack of images (a set of class averages)
Anchor set Projection set with known angular relations (mostly projected 3D-model)
Output Description
Out The input projections with assigned Euler angles
New/Changed Header Values Description
headerValue1 what does it say? how is it changed?
headerValue2 what does it say? how is it changed?
headerValue3 what does it say? how is it changed?
headerValue4 what does it say? how is it changed?

This mode is used to adds projections to a set with known/determined Euler angles

Parameters Description
Symmetry Symmetry of the complex studied (if known)
Input Description
In Image or stack of images (a set of class averages)
Dataset Stack of images (projections) with assigned Euler angles
Output Description
Out The input dataset with added input projections with assigned Euler angles
New/Changed Header Values Description
headerValue1 what does it say? how is it changed?
headerValue2 what does it say? how is it changed?
headerValue3 what does it say? how is it changed?
headerValue4 what does it say? how is it changed?

This mode is used to create sinograms from the images. These sinograms can be later used in the same logic to reconstitute the angles.

Parameters Description
Symmetry Symmetry of the complex studied (if known)
Input Description
In Image or stack of images
Output Description
Out Sinogram
New/Changed Header Values Description
headerValue1 what does it say? how is it changed?
headerValue2 what does it say? how is it changed?
headerValue3 what does it say? how is it changed?
headerValue4 what does it say? how is it changed?

In this paragraph, the “HOW a logic works under the hood” and WHY someone should use it can be elaborated with higher detail. Describes a scenario in an image processing workflow where this logic can be used to solve the resulting problem. Also, wikipages, publications or anything else describing the theory behind an algorithm should be linked here, if applicable.