
or the analysis of image processing routines one often needs simulated - pseudoexperimental - images with known properties (e.g. angular orientation or the structural state of the particle image), but additional noise or random orientations. Test Image allows to create such images.


This logic creates simulated pseudoexperimental images. It can randomly add noise and shift and rotate images. The logic does not generate an image (like a disk) on its own without an input; for this purpose use the logic: CreateImage.

Parameters and I/O

Parameters Description
copy How many copies of the input images are generated. Each copy of the image undergoes different noise addition, shifting and rotation from the specified randomization range.
Noise Filter High Freq Gaussian high frequency cut-off for the applied noise (between 0 to 1).
Noise Filter Low Freq Gaussian low frequency cut-off for the applied noise (between 0 to 1).
Noise Filter Transmission Transmission below the High Freq noise Gaussian filter (between 0 to 1).
inputSigma Standard deviation (sigma) of the input image's grey values. The input images are not really normalized, since the grey value mean remains unchanged, yet the standard deviation (sigma) of the image can be adjusted with this option.
noiseMean Mean of the noise.
noiseSigma Standard deviation of the noise.
noiseType gauss: Gaussian noise; uniform: Uniform noise.
randomRotHigh Upper boundary for random image in-plane rotation angle (degrees).
randomRotLow Lower boundary for random image in-plane rotation angle (degrees).
randomTransX Maximum shifting in X direction for random image shifting (pixels).
randomTransY Maximum shifting in Y direction for random image shifting (pixels).
seed Random seed. If set as 0, the result would be totally random, which means not reproducible at all. In case that the result shall be reproducible, choose a number unequal 0, and use the same number next time.
snr Signal to noise ratio. Notice that if it is set as 0 or 1, no noise would be added.
New/Changed Header Values Description
rndRotation In-plane rotation applied to the image.
rndXShift X shift applied to the image.
rndYShift Y shift applied to the image.