Table of Contents







This processor is used to generate normalized images out of the input image stack. This is performed according to the specified mean and sigma values.

Parameters Description
Mask Specifies whether a circular mask is used on the images.
→ Auto crop If activated, automatically crops each image to the minimum size.
→ Radius (fraction) Determines the radius of the applied circular mask. Accepted value range: [0…1]
Mean The desired mean pixel value after normalization.
Sigma The desired pixel value standard deviation after normalization.

Normalize against background

Here, standard deviation and mean are calculated based on a user set radius, but only pixels that are outside the specified circle are used during the computation. This technique is used to enhance the signal of the images as usually the outer part contains only noise. While in the initial mean and standard deviation computation only the outside pixel values are used, all pixels are adjusted during the application of the new mean and standard deviation. Inverting the image during computation is also possible.

Parameters Description
Invert Description of this parameter
Mean more description
Radius and more more more
Standard deviation … descriptions
Use mask

Normalize range


Parameters Description
Maximum FIXME
Minimum FIXME